Operation dashcam is a resource center developed to help assist law enforcement and State agencies set up dashcam video reporting programs.

Operation DashCam

Operation dashcam is a program developed to assist law enforcement and State agencies to setup dashcam video reporting programs. Operation Dashcam is based on a similar program in the United Kingdom called Operation Snap.  Operation Snap Has been very successful in helping police departments accept and process dashcam footage of unsafe driving events. It was formed to streamline the process for submitting reports or unsafe driving using Dashcam video evidence. Learn more about Operation Snap

 As of Now, The United Kingdom is one of the only countries to have such a network for reporting dangerous drivers using Video Evidence.  In the United States, Most areas do not have an efficient way to submit Dashcam videos to the authorities.   As our Reporting link directory shows, there is no real organized system currently in place. Some states or local municipalities may have some kind of reporting system for unsafe drivers via the phone or internet.  A few states may have a reporting system with their motor vehicle agency, highway patrol or transportation safety board.  There are also some state reporting programs for elderly drivers , commercial vehicles or  government vehicles.  Learn more about different ways to report an unsafe driver on our Reporting A Driver page.
Operation Dashcam was created to provide information to assist authorities in setting up an efficient Unsafe driver reporting program in their jurisdiction.   

Click here for information about setting up a reporting driver program.

Learn Helpful Tips about Creating a Unsafe Driver Dashcam Reporting Program


Everything you need to know about reporting an unsafe driver using dashcam videos

Dashcam Reporting Links

Visit The Reporting Dashcam Video Directory for a list of places in your area to report an unsafe driver.

Dashcam Resource Center

A complete guide for installing, using and buying Dashcams. Also Learn to Edit and upload dashcam videos.